Friday, April 5, 2013

Paper Mache Bowls

Here's another one that doesn't really have much to do with Easter - although I suppose you could put some handles on and they could be Easter baskets, sure that works. Either way, they were a lot of fun to make. It was definitely a multi-day project, since we had to wait for the paper mache to dry, then the paint to dry, then the mod podge, etc. It was definitely an activity that required patience!

They're both pretty proud of their bowls, and it's been really fun watching Ava discover that she can make something out of nothing - she's been wondering what else she can make!

If you want to make your own super easy paper mache bowls you will need:
- a cup of flour
- gradually add water to make a soupy paste
- I'd heard if you add a few teaspoons of salt it prevents it from getting moldy - not sure if that's true or not, but we did it.

Cover a bowl with Saran Wrap (so the paper mache doesn't stick to the bowl), then dip torn-up strips of newspaper into the paste you made, make sure to wipe of the extra and then cover the outside of your bowl. Once it's dry, pull it off the bowl, you can cut around the edges to make them smoother and a little prettier, and then paint. Super Easy

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