Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Making Egg Patterns

We got a lot of use out of our plastic eggs this week. One activity we used them for was making egg patterns. This was really fast and easy to set up; all that was needed was paper, crayons, and plastic eggs. After coloring eggs onto paper I cut them in half, making sure it was obvious which was the top and which was the bottom. 

We separated them into a top and a bottom pile, then the kids took turns drawing from the piles and putting their egg together. This quickly transitioned into "who could put their egg together the fastest", and then "who could put together the most eggs".

For being such a simple activity, I think Ava really got a lot out of it. I used some eggs that were very similar in color so she had to distinguish between colors (like light yellow and dark yellow), she had to determine which was the top piece and which was the bottom, and putting together and taking apart the eggs was a great way to work on small motor skills.

What are your favorite activities for using plastic eggs?

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